Moderator: E. Antonio Mangubat, MD
9:10 - Utilizing Combined Technologies to Enhance Liposuction Results (Brady Harris, MD)
9:20 - Ultrasonography to for improve care in liposuction (Alexandra Chambers, MD)
9:30 - High Definition Liposuction: Unique personal techniques with Vaser (Fernando Silva, MD)
9:40 - Carbopneumodissection enhancing liposution and fat grafting (Peter Lisborg, MD)
9:50 - A novel approach to HD-liposculpture under local anaesthesia (Prof. Dr. R. Boeni)
10:00 - An Audit of gynecomastia surgery in a single surgeon practice - Double compression seems to improve outcome (Hassan Nurein, MD)
10:10 - Patient Safety Panel: Liposuction Surgery
Moderator: Angelo Cuzalina, MD, DDS
11:30 - Revision Breast Surgery (Angelo Cuzalina, MD, DDS)
11:50 - Simultaneous breast augentation and mastopexy (E. Antonio Mangubat, MD)
12:00 - VASER Ultrasound for liposuction: Efficacy and indications (Wilbur Hah, MD)
12:10 - Nagor and Eurosilicone implants - GC Aesthetics (Ali AlamSales Manager)
12:20 - Cosmetic Use of Surgical Scaffolding in the Breast (Erik Nuveen, MD)
12:30 - Patient Safety Panel: Breast Surgery (Angelo Cuzalina, MD, DDS)
Moderator: Sohelia Rostami, MD
14:10 - Facial fillers: Current state of the art (Sohelia Rostami, MD)
14:20 - Vascular Anatomy of the Face: Avoiding Disaster (E. Antonio Mangubat, MD)
14:40 - Classification of Complications of Fillers (Sabreen Alzamil, MD)
14:50 - Patient Safety Panel: Fillers, Neurotoxins, and other noninvasive treatments
Moderator: Wilbur Hah, MD
15:40 - Brazilian Butt Lift Safety issues: A plan of action and safety (Wilbur Hah, MD)
15:50 - Safety of a BBL- Better safe than sorry (Mohan Thomas, MD)
16:00 - Buttock Implant vs Fat Grafting to the Buttock (Angelo Cuzalina, MD)
16:10 - Mommy Makeover 2019 (Kristine Brecht, MD)
16:20 - Brazilian Butt Lift (Gunther Arco, MD)
16:30 - Patient Safety Panel: Brazilian Butt Lift
Welcome Reception (off-Site) Euston Tap West across Euston Road from Friends House.
Moderator: Carey Nease, MD
9:00 - Facelift Essentials: 10 steps to ensure great results & minimize complications (Carey Nease, MD)
9:10 - Transgender facial surgery (Erik Nuveen, MD)
9:20 - Prevention and correction of the “face-lifted” appearance (Andreii Kharkov, MD, PhD)
9:30 - Rhinoplasty: Real and Visual Effects. Surgery for Personality (Andreii Kharkov, MD, PhD)
9:40 - Complex Rhinoplasty (Angelo Cuzalina, MD, DDS)
9:50 - Patient Safety Panel: Facial Surgery
10:00 - Facial Fat Grafting: Current state of the art (Sergio Noviello, MD)
Moderator: Ash Dutta, MD
11:30 - RF and Laser-ablative and non-ablative treatments (Ash Dutta, MD)
11:40 - Optimal use of laser lipolysis in face and body (Zoran Zgaljardic, MD, PhD)
12:00 - Non-Mechanical Energy Based Devices in fat removal: A review (Loek Habbema, MD)
12:10 - Liposuction Breast Reduction: Current State of the Art and Efficacy (Loek Habbema, MD)
12:20 - My experience with the patch diet (Dr. Gioia Mario)
12:30 - Apyx Vendor Talk Giovanni Gravagno, Director Int’l Sales - Advanced Energy (Giovanni Gravagno, Apyx)
12:40 - VASER Liposuction - treatment for lipoedema (Dennis Wolf, MD)
Moderator: Sohelia Rostami, MD
14:10 - Lower lid laxity: Assessment, treatment options, avoiding complications (Sohelia Rostami, MD)
14:20 - Aesthetic and Surgical Strategies in Thin-Skinned Rhinoplasty (Julian DeSilva, MBBS, MD)
14:30 - PRF (platelet Rich Fibrin ) under the eyes for skin tightening and rejuvenation (Quita Lopez, MD)
14:40 - Facial balance correction options (Zoran Zgaljardic, MD, PhD)
14:50 - Facial Rejuvenation with Third Generation Internal Ultrasound (Maria del Pilar Reyes Agüero, MD)
15:00 - Patient Safety Panel: Eye Lid and Mid-Face Surgery
Moderator: Peter Lisborg, MD
15:40 - Lipoabdominoplasty vs. traditional abdominoplasty after massive weight loss (Peter Lisborg, MD)
15:50 - Body Lifting to treat sequelae of massive weight loss (E. Antonio Mangubat, MD)
16:00 - Augmentation Mastopexy after massive weight loss (Angelo Cuzalina, MD, DDS)
16:10 - Total Simultaneous Upper Body Rejuvenation: A combination of brachioplasty, axilloplasty, lateral thoracoplasty, breast lift with augmentation and reverse abdominoplasty (Erik Nuveen, MD, DMD)
16:20 - Female to Male Chest Reconstruction (Courtney Caplin, MD, DDS)
16:30 - Female to Male Chest Reconstruction Design Considerations (E. Antonio Mangubat, MD)
16:40 - Patient Safety Panel: Body
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Sculpting for Surgeons, LLC™ is a workshop designed specifically for cosmetic physicians and surgeons to learn human beauty through the figurative arts. This workshop is an introductory personal hands-on experience in drawing and sculpting in clay, emphasizing the basics of human form by three-dimensional study.
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